A Virtual Expedition to the World Orchid Conference, Heart of Texas Orchid Society Monthly Meeting
October 1 @ 6:30 pm – 9:00 pm
Join us for the Heart of Texas Orchid Society’s October meeting This month we will take a virtual expedition to Tainan, Taiwan where the 23rd World Orchid Conference was held last February.This webinar by Carol Klonowski will highlight the displays, trends, and winning orchids from the conference. HOTOS member Alison Gallaway was able to attend and will share her experiences as well.
Also, we will cover resources to help you prepare your orchids as the season changes to fall and winter. Bring any questions you have.
Please Note: Participants are welcome to join us in person in the Auditorium to socialize and watch this
presentation on the big screen.
About the Presenters
Carol Klonowski is an American Orchid Society (AOS) Trustee, an accredited AOS judge, and a frequent
speaker at orchid shows internationally and nationally and at orchid societies. Carol enjoys
travel, orchids, and barbeque, not necessarily in that order.
Alison Gallaway is a Vice President of the American Orchids Society, an accredited AOS judge, Chair of
the show committee of the South West Regional Orchid Grower’s Association, and treasurer of the
Heart of Texas Orchid Society. She has three standard poodles and an understanding husband, who
enables her orchid habit.