Calendar of Events
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Epic Tomatoes From YOUR Garden with Craig LeHoullier
Epic Tomatoes From YOUR Garden with Craig LeHoullier
The Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service in Travis County and Craig LeHoullier, author of Epic Tomatoes, will present “Epic Tomatoes From YOUR Garden.” Craig will share some history, stories, and tips and tricks for success in growing […]
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A Conversation on the Zilker Botanical Garden Master Plan
A Conversation on the Zilker Botanical Garden Master Plan
Austin Women's Federated Club Meeting It is our pleasure as Garden G.A.N.G. to invite you to attend our first in-person Garden G.A.N.G./ AWFC meeting this Friday, September 11. We will gather at the Texas Federated […]
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Planning Your Fall Garden with Liz Cardinal
Planning Your Fall Garden with Liz Cardinal
Join Liz Cardinal, landscape designer, and edible garden mentor as we plan our fall gardens together. This free class will give you the tools to get organized this fall. Walk away with the understanding of:1. […]
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Home Fruit Production
Home Fruit Production
The Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service in Travis County and Dr. Larry Stein, Associate Department Head for Extension Horticulture from Texas A&M University, will present “Home Fruit Production” to help you plan for and manage […]
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Trees: With Guest Speaker April Rose, Consulting Arborist
Trees: With Guest Speaker April Rose, Consulting Arborist
April is a consulting arborist with Bartlett Tree Experts, an International Society Arborculture (ISA) certified arborist, and ISA qualified for Tree-Risk Assessment and Texas oak wilt. April will discuss the trees best suited for the […]
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Life in a Leaf: The Wonderful World of Leafminers
Life in a Leaf: The Wonderful World of Leafminers
Presented By: Charley Eiseman a freelance naturalist based in western Massachusetts. Leafminers are insect larvae that spend at least part of their lives feeding between layers of leaves. In North America they include over 2000 […]
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