Celebrating 100 Years in 2024!

In 1924, the club’s first President, Mrs. Clara Driscoll Sevier, held a meeting at her home, Laguna Gloria, for those interested in community beautification. The poet O. Henry once lived in Austin and called it “The City of the Violet Crown,” so the name Violet Crown Garden Club was adopted. We are known for our judged flower shows held at Zilker Botanical Garden featuring both floral designs and horticultural entries.
Monthly meetings at Zilker Botanical Garden frequently include sharing plants from our home gardens, tips for successful gardening, and interactive educational programs on various garden topics, including floral design.
As an affiliate of Texas Garden Clubs, Inc. and National Garden Clubs, Inc., we promote the love of gardening, floral design, and civic and environmental responsibility.
In 2024, the club will celebrate 100 years of serving the community and sharing its love for gardening, floral design, and landscaping.