The Yaupon Garden Club was organized and federated in 1976.
Objective: The advancement of gardening, civic beautification, and the promotion of ecology with a focus on both conservation and the enjoyment of gardening to help feed and/or give pleasure to our families, friends and neighbors while creating water-wise habitats for wildlife.
Members of the Yaupon Garden Club enjoy programs and field trips held monthly from September through May. Each meeting and field trip is a fellowship of fellow gardeners. As a horticulture club, we invite Master Gardeners to present information on a wide range of topics from vegetable gardening to water-wise landscaping, from birds to bees to butterflies, and anything plant-related. We believe in community involvement which includes projects that promote gardening with the kindergarteners at the Oak Hill Elementary School. We support the Eberhart Place Retirement Center with special food baskets at Christmas and in May, plants are delivered to them for the plant sale. We support the West Rural food bank in Oak Hill , the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Research Center, Texas Garden Clubs (TGC), and the Austin Area Garden Council beautification of the Zilker Botanical Garden.