
AAGC Garden Clubs

Since 1955, the Austin Area Garden Council and its member clubs have been a major partner in providing educational programming in the Austin Area Garden Center. Today, AAGC is composed of 30 affiliated garden clubs with approximately 1,500 members. Each club’s meeting features speakers on a wide range of topics from specific plants to gardening techniques to using plants in arts and crafts projects. Monthly club meetings are open to the public and held in the Austin Area Garden Center unless otherwise noted. AAGC club members also “dig in” as volunteers and work with the City and Conservancy to plant, weed, and re-create garden beds. Many clubs also offer member-only field trips, study groups, and other service opportunities.

See our Club Roster below for meeting times, websites and contact information for the club you’re interested in. Please join AAGC in our continued labor of love in Zilker Botanical Garden.