Calendar of Events
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Butterflies of Kansas
Butterflies of Kansas
Austin Butterfly Forum April Meeting Join us for the Austin Butterfly Forum's April meeting where Betsey Betros, author of A Photographic Field Guide to the Butterflies in the Kansas City Region, will be the guest […]
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Streptocarpus, Sinningias and Algae
Streptocarpus, Sinningias and Algae
Join us for the May meeting of the First Austin African Violet Society where guest speaker Dale Martens, will be presenting Streptocarpus, Sinningias and Algaean. Dale is an award winning member of The Gesneriad Society […]
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Pest-free Organically with Jay White
Pest-free Organically with Jay White
Greenhouse growers produce a product with very low margins. Because of this, many do everything possible to avoid using expensive and harmful chemicals on their plants. Chemicals are not good for their bottom line and […]
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Drought-To-Deluge: Water-Wise Ways
Drought-To-Deluge: Water-Wise Ways
The Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service in Travis County and Kirk Walden, Travis County Master Gardener Irrigation Specialist, will present “Water-Wise Ways” as part of the continuing Drought-To-Deluge Gardening series. Kirk will provide helpful strategies for designing […]
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An Herbal Bouquet
An Herbal Bouquet
A trio of Austin Herb Society members will present “An Herbal Bouquet” of entertaining and informative gardening wisdom at the next AHS meeting at 10 a.m. Tuesday, June 1 via Zoom.Longtime member Sandra Holland will […]
Bifoliate Cattleyas of Brazil
Bifoliate Cattleyas of Brazil
Luiz Hamilton Lima has been an aficionado of Cattleyas since age nine, when he cultivated Cattleya violacea in a lath house, built by his father, in the backyard of their home in Manaus, Amazon, Brazil. […]
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“Pond aFISHionados” – Austin Pond & Garden Tour
“Pond aFISHionados” – Austin Pond & Garden Tour
The Austin Pond Society is having its 26th annual Austin Pond and Garden Tour on June 5th & 6th and we hope you'll join us! This tour will be aiding pond and garden-related charities including […]
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